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New Haven Community Days

Led by the Yale Alumni Association as part of its annual Day of Service and United Way of Greater New Haven, volunteer activities in the New Haven community, on Yale’s campus, and in the global alumni community will celebrate the important community connections between Yale and the City of New Haven. 

Monday, March 10 to Wednesday, April 2

Rose Alumni House Lobby, 232 York Street and Lobby, 157 Church Street 
Open to Yale alumni, students, faculty, and staff. 

From March 10 to April 2, the Yale Alumni Association and the Office of Development will partner with United Way of Greater New Haven to collect nutritious snacks to support Loaves & Fishes, an organization that serves over 9,000 people each week in New Haven. Yale alumni, staff, faculty, and students are invited to join this effort by placing snacks listed here in the lobby collection boxes. 

Donation hours for Rose Alumni House will be 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ring the bell if the door is red lit.

Yale alumni, students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the YAA in welcoming President McInnis “home” to New Haven and to Yale by contributing to “Welcome Home Kits” for United Way to share with families moving from temporary shelter to a new home. From March 10 through April 2, voluntary donations can be sent via the online registry or by making arrangements with United Way staff.

Saturday, March 29

57 Olive Street, New Haven
7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 
Open to the Yale and New Haven communities. 

Food distribution—registration, door duty, clothing closet, food prep, and meal service. 

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

42 East Ramsdell Street, New Haven 
9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 
Open to the community. 

Outdoor work including removing invasive plant species, cleaning up trails, weeding, picking up litter, and other general tasks. 

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

138 Clinton Avenue, New Haven 
9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 
Open to the Yale and New Haven communities. 

Courtyard cleanup and activities with senior residents. 

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

84 Broadway, New Haven 
2:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m.
Open to the Yale community through Yale Day of Service.

Join the Yale student-led and campus-based Yale Community Kitchen (YCK) to assist with food preparation and meal service. YCK serves food donated by Yale Dining on Friday and Saturday evenings to the Greater New Haven community.

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

Wednesday, April 2

170 Ward Street, New Haven
9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Open to members of the Yale and New Haven communities. 

Activities will include preparing the farm for the growing season by raking out garden beds and creating walkable paths in between beds by laying down mulch.

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

Multiple locations
9:00 a.m.–10:15 a.m. 
Open to members of the Yale and New Haven communities.

Read aloud to preschoolers at the YMCA, St. Aedan’s Preschool, and Farnam Nursery School in New Haven. Books will be provided by United Way of Greater New Haven and left in the classroom for children and teachers to enjoy. 

Learn how to volunteer for this event.

Yale Schwarzman Center, Second Floor Annex 
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m., drop in, no registration required 
Open to Yale alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

Visit the Good Life Center to write a letter to senior citizens experiencing loneliness or isolation. Love for Our Elders is a Yale alumni-founded nonprofit fighting isolation in senior communities. Learn about connecting with older community members and feel a positive impact on your own wellness. Swag and treats available for all participants.

Dwight Hall Common Room 
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m., drop in, registration via YaleConnect
Open to Yale alumni, students, faculty, and staff. Snacks and beverages provided.

Sorting clothing donations to be distributed to community partner sites, including Loaves and Fishes and DESK CT. If you are unable to join us at these times on Wednesday and would like to help with donation distribution on Thursday or Friday, please reach out to

47 College Street, New Haven 
Open to Yale community members. Snacks and beverages provided.


  1. Create an account using your email address 
  2. Register for a project 

For members of the Yale community without a email address, sign up for an account using any email address and register on the Yale Day of Service Volunteer Portal

Create toiletry kits with UHOPE Haven 
Classrooms 106 A & B 
12:00–3:00 p.m.

Join peers and colleagues to make kits for some of the most vulnerable in New Haven, our unhoused individuals. Toiletry kits will include various items such as soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, sunscreen, and more. Kits will be distributed at the Haven Free Clinic.  

Card Making 
12:00–2:00 p.m. 
Student Affairs Conference Room, Suite 108

Join peers and colleagues to make cards for residents at Mary Wade Senior Center. Cards will be delivered to the center for distribution to residents.

Yale Alumni Association 
Rose Alumni House, Great Hall 
232 York Street, New Haven 
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. 


Yale Office of Development, Room 840
157 Church Street, New Haven
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 

Open to the Yale community. Snacks and beverages provided.


  1. Create an account using your email address 
  2. Register for a project

For members of the Yale community without a email address, sign up for an account using any email address and register on the Yale Day of Service volunteer portal.  

Volunteers will sort and package items donated during the healthy snacks food drive for Loaves and Fishes.